Sunday, July 10, 2011

Just keep writing.....

So i was writing Ryan and realized that i hadnt blogged in a while so instead of re writing i just copied some of his letter. It basically tells what i have been up to :D 

Yesterday (Saturday) was so funn. I don’t think ive had that much funn in a long time. I usualy just sit at home and watch movies on the weekend but this weekend I had fun. My roomie and her BF invited me to hang out with them so we went to the lake. That was funn I was out in the sun for 2 hours and didn’t get burned. Im kinda sad bc I want to get tan but I just wont burn here. I go out a lot but haven’t gotten burnt yet, its weird. But after the lake we went to Scotts (My roomie Jaides bf) complex and we were gonna bbq and there was free hot dogs, burgers and cotton candy so we ate that. It was soooo good haha Then we played on a blow up bungee runn. That was so legit. But scott landed on my face and that didn’t feel to great. Lol and there were little kids to so I was playing with them. The little boy was a shark and he was chasng me trying to eat me. He was SO fast haha. Then after running around we played with the dunk tank. (his complex had a party earlier that’s why they had all this cool stuff haah) and played mudd volleyball. That was so funn. I think its my new favorite. Haha but there were a lot of rocks in the mudd so I got pretty cut up. Then we went swimming in the cannal and watched a movie. It was a fun day.

Church today was good. :D we had a lot of good lessons and talks. We got a talk on modesty in RS. You wouldn’t expect to need that here but its like the minute ppl are off campus the inmodest clothes come out so I think its good they gave the talk. Also there was a talk in sacrament about tithing. I cant wait to have a job so I can pay tithing again and get those blessings. I have a great testimony of tithing. I always paid when I worked back home and one time like moths after all the tax money had been returned I got a check for 100 bucks. It was from the tax people and I guess they just sent it late. I didn’t even know it was coming though. Haha Also I believe that because I paid my tithing I was able to save up the money needed to survive at school so long without a job. Tithing is so great and should never be looked at as a challenge or a sacrifice only what it is, a blessing. An opportunity for us to give back a small portion of what he has given us. 

Miss you Charries!

Lub you beffies!

Miss you Family!!

Love you Rents <3

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