So as of late I have started working with Leslie.
She runs an in home daycare with 5-6 kids depending on the day.
I had no idea how stressful and demanding, both emotionally and physically, it would be to deal with kids.
They are very wild. Like all children.
And very very loud.
Lots of competition between the 2 oldest trying to be the best.
Which as anyone could guess never ends well.
They are good most days.
But since they come so early in the morning, tired, hungry and emotional.
Naturally there are some very tough days.
I never loved nap time so much in my life.
The house is quiet and I get 1.5 hours of silence in my room.
Naturally I take that time to nap.
Then I wake up and we watch them for a little longer till they go home.
Its nice to help out but my body is still adjusting to getting up early and lugging around tubby babies all day.
In other news here are a few random photos.
Tom doesnt like to take pictures so sadly we dont have many recent ones.
The last ones were from Christmas time!
He hates being in front of a camera.
Dinner a few weeks ago.
Steak and taters
Sweet heaven on earth.
They say i will die of salt overdose.
But I just love it so much.
Buffalo Chicken Dip.
One of our new favorites.
Its good with chips or even as a sandwich.