(Shot my first pigeon.)
Well its been about 54893 years since I last blogged. Thats okay though. Life is busy.
Hmm. Whats new? Loads. Now to decide what I want to tell people and what I want to keep to myself. Mwahaha.
Well school is over in 3 weeks. YES! Then on Dec 20th I get to spend 90% of the day in airports waiting to reach my beloved destination. GEORGIA. I am finally returning after 1 LONG year of being away. I cant wait to see my family and all my friends. Everything is going to be super duper different. Friends have gotten married, are pregnant, and have moved away. Sister is married, Other sister has a drivers license, Brother now has a drivers permit and is now in high school. Little baby sister is in nerd clubs being super brainy and smart. I didnt give them permission to grow up and do those things without me there. But, they did it anyways. RUDE.
After my much needed 2 week escape to the holy land I am returning to the frozen tundra. Also known as Rexburg, Idaho. It has become my new home. Ive been here for a year. In the same apartment. Same bed. Same bathroom. Same closet. So why change? Ill be in the same apartment, BUT there will be changes. I get a new room roomie, Kristofer. YES! and i get all new apartment roomies. My Liver, Eliza, Jaide (not so new but still enjoyed.) and Abby. I think the constantly changing roomies helps me be okay with staying in the same room for so long. Also im to lazy to pack all y stuff and move. The idea of having to take all my stuff off the walls, out of the closet, from the kitchen and cram it all into boxes and change apartments just doesnt sound like a fun time to me. But hey, maybe im crazy for thinking that... HA! yeah right.
School is "WHACK". I do not want to take anymore classes. Cant someone just pour all the knowledge straight into my brain and save me the trouble of waking up early to go to classes I dont really want to be in? But, MAYBE if i have a good positive attitude I will enjoy my classes and be able to focus and make good grades.... Hmm.
Finals are coming up. I should probably study. I made a to do list for my day so I would be productive. Ive marked 4 things off so far. Thats pretty impressive for me. Some things are pretty simple and shouldnt really have to be on a to do list but they are. For example: Eat. Why does that have to be on a list? Because I forget and if I dont write it down or get super hungry I wont do it. Crazy right? But totes true.
Random facts: Im learning to play piano. Im addicted to Pintrest and StumbleUpon. I sleep with a stuffed animal. Im reading a book about zombies and a book about spirits. A Thousand Years by Christina Perri is my favorite right now. If I could I would live in my swim suit. Tom is always mean to me in my dreams. ALWAYS. Are my dreams trying to tell me something?! Also Skype is the best invention ever.
My Liver (:
Have a ____________ day. You decide what the blank says. :)